Miebach Consulting

One Miebach around the world

United in our commitment to supply chain excellence and innovation.


Our team is shaping the future of supply chain, working across the cutting edge of strategy, engineering, and digital to build break- through solutions around the globe.

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BEL Abou Raad Jad

Benelux |

Jad Abou Raad

FRA Alberici Alberto AM Homepage

View Profile

France | Italy |

Alberto Alberici
Managing Director

ESP Alkain Pau Homepage

View Profile

Spain |

Pau Alkain Adroer

ESP Alvarez Nuria

View Profile

Spain |

Nuria Álvarez

DEU Babushkin Evgeny

View Profile

Miebach Holding

Evgeny Babushkin
Director, Business Development Digital Services Europe

ARG Balzarini Fernando AM Homepage v1

View Profile

Argentina |

Fernando Balzarini
Regional Director LATAM

CANUSA Banich Nick CV

View Profile

Canada | United States |

Nick Banich
Chief Revenue Officer USA and Canada

PER Barnaby Denisse

Peru |

Denisse Barnaby
Senior Project Manager

DEU Bauersfeld Christian

View Profile

Germany |

Christian Bauersfeld

SWI Suisseplan Beck Gerhard v1 01

Switzerland |

Gerhard Beck

ESP Bedaux Pank

View Profile

Spain |

Pank Bedaux
Director & Partner

UK Belmont Andres

United Kingdom |

Andrés Belmont

GUE Bernadou Carlos mit Krawatte AM Homepage

View Profile

Guatemala |

Carlos Bernadou
Regional Director LATAM & Managing Director CAC

CANUSA Bocsanczy Diana CV

View Profile

Canada | United States |

Diana Bocsanczy
Manager Strategy

ESP Bofill Rafael

View Profile

Spain |

Rafael Bofill
Senior Manager & Partner

CANUSA Brown Mike CV

View Profile

Canada | United States |

Mike Brown
Director and Head of Engineering USA and Canada

CHN Buehring Dominik 01

View Profile

France |

Dominik Bühring
Director & Partner

DEU Cafferty Yannick

View Profile

Germany |

Yannick Cafferty

GUA Casasola Carlos Homepage v1

View Profile

Colombia |

Carlos Casasola
Managing Director

PER Chang Fabianna

View Profile

Peru |

Fabianna Chang
Senior Consultant

CANUSA Davis Cate CV

View Profile

Canada | United States |

Cate Davis
Manager, Business Development and Life Sciences Lead

BEL De Schepper Guido

Benelux |

Guido De Schepper
Senior Principal

BEL De Vlieger Marc

Benelux |

Marc De Vlieger
Senior Principal

PER Diaz Daniel

View Profile

Peru |

Daniel Díaz
Senior Project Manager

CANUSA Dorsa Sam CV 24B

View Profile

Canada | United States |

Sam Dorsa
Manager Engineering and Fashion Lead

ESP Endres Rolf mit Krawatte AM Homepage

View Profile

Spain |

Rolf Endres
Senior Manager & Partner

CANUSA Escobar Gustavo CV

View Profile

Canada | United States |

Gustavo Escobar
Manager Strategy and Global Network Design COE Lead


View Profile

Canada | United States |

James Fan
Manager Engineering

UK Farres Xavier

View Profile

United Kingdom |

Xavier Farrés
Managing Director

ARG Fernandez Sofia

View Profile

Argentina |

Sofía Fernández
Project Manager

UK Flanagan Paul

United Kingdom |

Paul Flanagan

DEU Friedland Reiner

Germany |

Dr. Reiner Friedland
Manager - Production & Factory Planning

COL Garcia Pablo

View Profile

Colombia |

Pablo García
Project & Business Development Manager

IND Mudit Garg

India |

Mudit Garg

CHI Godoy Camilo

View Profile

Chile |

Camilo Godoy
Managing Director

DEU Grasedyck Ole

Germany |

Ole Grasedyck
Senior Principal

DEU Greschke Michael AM Homepage v1

Germany |

Michael Greschke

BRA Guimaraes Felipe v2

View Profile

Brazil |

Felipe Guimarães
Project Manager

ISR Haage Sebastian

View Profile

Israel |

Sebastian Haage
General Manager at Miebach Orian Consulting in Israel/ Principal at Miebach Consulting

DEU Hartwig Andreas AM mit Krawatte Homepage

Germany |

Andreas Hartwig

DEU Herz Nico

Germany |

Dr. Nico Herz
Senior Principal

Jürgen Hess

View Profile

Miebach Holding

Jürgen Hess
CEO Miebach Group

DEU Hoffmann Ralf ohne Krawatte AM Homepage

Germany |

Ralf Hoffmann
Global Head of Marketing

DEU Holzwarth Marko

View Profile

Germany |

Marko Holzwarth
Senior Manager Transformation Management

CHI Ivens Nicole AM Homepage

Chile |

Nicole Ivens

CANUSA Jackson Jason CV

View Profile

Canada | United States |

Jason Jackson
Manager, Operational Excellence

POL Jatta Lukas

Poland |

Lukas Jatta
Managing Director & Partner

POL Jezusek Marian

View Profile

Poland |

Marian Jezusek
Director F&A & Partner

DEU Jung Klaus Peter AM Homepage

View Profile

Germany |

Dr. Klaus-Peter Jung

IND Kabiraj Abhisek PPT

India |

Abhisek Kabiraj
Associate Director

DEU Klein Stephen

View Profile

Germany |

Stephen Klein
Head of Material Flow Design

DEU Krebs Thomas

View Profile

Germany |

Thomas Krebs
Senior Principal and Head of Supply Chain Planning & Execution

POL Krybus Roland

Poland |

Roland Krybus

IND Kumar Shubhendu with tie AM Homepage

India |

Shubhendu Kumar

CANUSA Laliberte Emilie CV Homepage hohe Aufloesung

View Profile

Canada | United States |

Emilie Laliberté
Manager Engineering and Talent Management USA and Canada Lead

FRA Lavoue Philippe AM Homepage

France |

Philippe Lavoué
Directeur Associé

ESP Patricia Llerena

Spain |

Patricia Llerena

ESP Lliso Diana

View Profile

Spain |

Diana Lliso

CANUSA Ma Victoria Cv

View Profile

Canada | United States |

Victoria Ma
Director and Head of Strategy and Digital USA and Canada

DEU Maasmann Julian

Germany |

Julian Maasmann
Senior Principal

ARG Madero Juan

View Profile

Argentina |

Juan B. Madero
Business Development Manager

PER Manrique Jonathan

View Profile

Peru |

Jonathan Manrique
Senior Project Manager

DEU Matthias Andre

View Profile

Germany |

André Matthias
Manager, Team Lead Retail Fashion

POL Mazurek Martin

Poland |

Martin Mazurek

KSA Ananth MK

View Profile

Saudi Arabia |

Ananth Melkote Kainkaryam

CHI Mendez Juan Pablo AM Homepage

Chile |

Juan Pablo Méndez
Senior Principal & Partner

BEL Meuleman Marc AM Homepage

Benelux |

Marc Meuleman
Managing Director

DEU Miebach Moritz Homepage

Germany |

Moritz Miebach
Senior Principal

Dr. Joachim Miebach Leadership

View Profile

Miebach Holding

Dr. Joachim Miebach
Founder - Chairman of Advisory Board

BRA Monteiro Vinicius

View Profile

Brazil |

Vinicius Monteiro
Project Manager

IND Moorthy Somanaathan

View Profile

India |

Somanathan Moorthy
Associate Director

ESP Morato Jose Luis

Spain |

José Luis Morato
Senior Manager

Jorge Motjé

View Profile

Miebach Holding

Jorge Motjé
CEO Miebach Group

DEU Mueller Dauppert Bernd AM Homepage

View Profile

Germany |

Prof. Dr. Bernd Müller-Dauppert
Member of the Management Board, Head of Business Unit Business Excellence

CANUSA Nielson Bryan CV

Canada | United States |

Bryan Nielson
Director and Head of Consumer Goods Industry USA and Canada

CANUSA Niemeyer Jackie CV

View Profile

Canada | United States |

Jackie Niemeyer
Manager Engineering and Business Development

DEU OBrien Sarah revised

Germany |

Sarah O’Brien
Human Resources Manager

POL Olszewski Jacek

Poland |

Jacek Olszewski
Senior Principal & Partner

Julian Osorio

View Profile

Canada | United States |

Julian Osorio
Director, Supply Chain Strategy & Transformation

ARG Parise Fernando

Argentina |

Fernando Parise

ARG Paz Miguel

View Profile

Argentina |

Miguel Paz
Project Manager

ARG Pitocco Maria Eugenia

Argentina |

María Eugenia Pitocco
People Development

MEX Quinones Hector AM Homepage v1

View Profile

Mexico |

Héctor Quiñones
Managing Director

UAE Rasin Michael mit Krawatte Homepage

View Profile

United Arab Emirates |

Michael Rasin
General Manager

DEU Redeker Natascha

View Profile

Germany |

Natascha Redeker
Manager, Competence Lead People and Organization

BRA Redivo Bruno2

View Profile

Brazil |

Bruno Redivo
Senior Consultant

UK Reis Verena

View Profile

United Kingdom |

Verena Reis

MEX Ribas Jorge Adrian AM Homepage

Mexico |

Jorge Ribas

ESP Rodriguez Antonio AM Homepage

View Profile

Spain |

Antonio Rodríguez
Managing Director

CANUSA Rodriguez Angelica CV

View Profile

Canada | United States |

Angelica Rodriguez
Senior Manager Engineering

DEU Rohde Dirk

View Profile

Germany |

Dirk Rohde
Head of Automotive & Mobility Solutions

ARG Rossi Johanna

Argentina |

Johanna Rossi

ESP Sala Ricard

Spain |

Ricard Sala

DEU Schuehle Jochen

View Profile

Germany |

Jochen Schühle
CEO Miebach Consulting GmbH - Member of the Group Management and Advisory Board

SWI Schulz Rainer AM Homepage

View Profile

Switzerland |

Rainer Schulz
Managing Director

BEL Sommerfeld Uwe

Benelux |

Uwe Sommerfeld

DEU Sonnefeld Frank

View Profile

Germany |

Frank Sonnefeld
Member of the Management Board

DEU Sponheimer Achim

View Profile

Germany |

Achim Sponheimer
Director, Global Head of Pharma & Life Sciences

DEU Stoermer Andreas

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Germany | Switzerland |

Andreas Störmer
Managing Director at suisseplan Ingenieure AG Logistik, a Miebach Company

IND Nataraja Subramanian Kalyana Sundaram new

View Profile

India |

Nataraja Subramanian
Managing Director

CANUSA Supply Alex CV

View Profile

Canada | United States |

Alexander Supply
Director Engineering

DEU Suessenguth Wolfram

View Profile

Germany |

Dr. Wolfram Süssenguth
Managing Director

ISR Teichert Lara

View Profile

Israel |

Lara Teichert
General Manager at Miebach Orian Consulting in Israel / Principal at Miebach Consulting

PER Terbullino Jean

View Profile

Peru |

Jean Pierre Terbullino
Senior Consultant

GER Tillmanns Wiebke AM Homepage

View Profile

Germany |

Wiebke Tillmanns
Senior Manager Marketing & PR

CANUSA Tremblay Bernard mit Krawatte AM Homepage

View Profile

Canada | United States |

Bernard Tremblay
CEO USA and Canada

CANUSA Troyer Kevin CV 2

View Profile

Canada | United States |

Kevin Troyer
Senior Manager Strategy

CANUSA Valls Jordi CV

View Profile

Canada | United States |

Jordi Valls
Sr. Manager and IT Expert USA and Canada

CANUSA Vang Monique CV 24

View Profile

Canada | United States |

Monique Vang
Customer Success Manager Digital

CHI Carolina Vera AM Homepage

Chile |

Carolina Vera

ESP_Miquel Viella

View Profile

Spain |

Miquel Viella
Director & Partner

PER Villalta Jorge

View Profile

Peru |

Jorge Villalta
Managing Director

BRA Vranjac Marcos Paquete with tie AM Homepage

View Profile

Brazil |

Marcos Paquete Vranjac
Managing Director

DEU Waterinckx Alex

View Profile

Germany |

Alex Waterinckx
Head of Services – BU Excellence, Leader Centre of Excellence S&OP

DEU Wegerer Michael

Germany |

Michael Wegerer
Partner, Business Development Industrial Products & Mobility Solutions

GER Weigl Frank

View Profile

Germany |

Frank Weigl
Member of the Management Board

CANUSA White Michael CV

View Profile

Canada | United States |

Michael White
Senior Consultant, Business Development Manager

GER Wibbe Christian AM Homepage v2

View Profile

Germany |

Christian Wibbe
Member of the Management Board - Head of Business Unit Industrial Products & Mobility Solutions

DEU Willberger Timo

Germany |

Timo Willberger
Business Development Manager

CANUSA Williams Jessica CV

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United States |

Jessica Williams
Senior Consultant

CANUSA Wood Ellen CV

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Canada | United States |

Ellen Wood
Marketing Manager

DEU Zimmermann Jens v1 hohe Aufloesung gewaehlt

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Germany |

Dr. Jens Zimmermann
Head of Simulation & Branch Manager

The Miebach global community offers a wide variety of learning opportunities across technical and personal skills through easily digestible examples and trainings.”


Raghunandan Rao, Principal, Dubai



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